ACO Products

Scripps ACO products

Your guide to participating in Qualcomm Premier Plans and the Medicare Shared Savings Program

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Learn about goals and obligations of our products

Learn about goals and obligations of our products

Scripps ACO offers participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and commercial contracts, including the Qualcomm Premier Plans. Each ACO product comes with unique obligations, including cost and quality targets.

No matter which product you participate in, you must report individual provider or group practice changes to Scripps ACO. Visit our roster management page to learn more.

Qualcomm Premier Plans

A physician examines a little girl, exemplifying the quality care accessible to members of Qualcomm Premier Plans, a Scripps ACO products.

Qualcomm Premier Plans

Find tools and information related to our Qualcomm contract, including the provider directory and our access and experience standards.

Medicare Shared Savings Program

A doctor walks down the hall with a Medicare patient, illustrating an interaction common to providers who participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program.

Medicare Shared Savings Program

Find key Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) resources, including provider policies, and learn more about shared savings and quality reporting.